



楼主: e3po

[含原文] 音响界的十大谎言! The Ten Biggest Lies in AUDIO!

 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-7 21:55:48 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 黄杲树 于 2010-8-7 09:38 发表
顶一把! 发烧要理性.

        顺便请教一下,  "杲"  怎么念?
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发表于 2010-8-7 22:02:36 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chenxiliang110 于 2010-8-7 09:05 发表

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发表于 2010-8-8 17:01:01 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-9 00:44:24 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 maomao332 于 2010-8-8 17:01 发表

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发表于 2010-8-9 20:11:33 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 3141 于 2010-8-7 22:02 发表


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-10 01:12:44 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 夏某 于 2010-8-9 20:11 发表


D 类功放不就是变相的开关电源嘛,  哈哈
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发表于 2010-8-10 08:46:01 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 3141 于 2010-8-7 22:02 发表


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发表于 2010-8-10 09:09:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-8-10 09:18:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-8-10 09:28:10 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-11 02:46:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 e3po 于 2015-3-25 01:57 编辑

CES 2008 盲听测试

  赌城眼下正上演的众多活动中包括家庭娱乐器材展(The Home Entertainment Show),这个音响发烧友展览会的举办地位于拉斯维加斯大道边的两家小型汽车旅馆内。所谓音响发烧友,或许正如你所知,是那些对花上5万美金买台唱机看得很平常的高保真音响爱好者。这些年我算是弄明白了,音响发烧友实际上分两类:一类是彻头彻尾的神经病;另一类纯粹是疯子。
  为了找出答案,《科技大观》专栏成为上周展览会上的正式展商。我在展厅里安装了两套音响系统,它们除了一个组件以外一模一样。除音箱以外的所有部件都被隐藏起来(感谢Totem Acoustics出借Forest音箱,以及Magnum Dynalab的MD-308音箱,它们的效果都十分震撼。)
  这并不奇怪。不过,当我用iPod播放.wav 文件──未经压缩的数字文件;将耳机插孔连接到扩音器上──在接受测试的21个人中有52%更喜欢iPod的表现.
  我利用两个完全相同的CD播放器测试了价值2,000美元的8英尺魔声(Monster Cable)旗舰音响线,它足有拇指般粗细,与之相对的是14号五金店音响线。许多发烧友表示两者同样出色。我听不出两者有什么区别,也有点儿怀疑是否有人做得到。不过在39个测试者中间,61%的人表示,价格昂贵的音响线音质效果更好。
  这种区别或许难以和两者天壤之别的价格划上等号,不过我对于展览会上最懂行的人物──比如约翰 阿特金森(John Atkinson)和《音响专家》(Stereophile Magazine)的迈克尔 弗雷默(Michael Fremer)──轻而易举地选出了价格昂贵的音响线很是惊奇。
  想想发烧友们青睐的电力线路调节器,据说它能减少电力供应引发的噪音和失真,这类问题你或许根本不会注意到。Audience LLC的一个代表接受了我的测试邀请,对该公司2,800美元的AdeptResponse aR6调节器进行测试。
  对于音响线来说,上乘产品的售价也有可能远低于2,000美元。我依然满足于在五金店购物,不过你或许有两只能明察秋毫的“金耳朵”。就像《警探哈里》(Dirty Harry)中的台词,你必须问自己,“我觉得幸运吗?”
  Lee Gomes
  (编者按:本文作者Lee Gomes是《华尔街日报》专栏“Portals”的专栏作家,栏目内容以科技、商业及相关的主题为主。)


国家质量监督检验检疫总局 发布的 《气导听力零级》全国量值比对报告


这是系列贴的一部分, 大家可以结合起来看。

[含原文] 音响界的十大谎言! The Ten Biggest Lies in AUDIO!

介绍一个音频测试软件 ARTA 可以用来测试耳机的频率响应等


谎言终结者实验 -  你是木耳他不是 ?

谎言终结者实验 -   电脑直推不给力?   证据篇

谎言终结者实验 -  电脑直推不给力?

谎言终结者实验 -  音箱用的功放不能接耳机?



分享一个平价 57mm 超大振膜耳机: 测试参数,频响,瀑布图,EQ 设置

只靠3张图告诉您  煲耳机没有用

发票 打开脑放的利器 空气 不只是皇帝的新装

耳朵偏音怎么办? 怎么测?

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-11 02:54:53 | 显示全部楼层

If You're Not Insane About Sound, Maybe You Can Just Go Crazy
http://online.wsj.com/article/NA ... 027492991.html.html

If you had to choose between two sets of speaker cables, one costing a few dollars and sounding fine, the other a few thousand dollars but perhaps sounding slightly better, and you chose the second pair, then you would have had a great time last week in Las Vegas.

The city's many goings-on included The Home Entertainment Show, an audiophile trade show held in two small motels off the Strip. Audiophiles, as you probably know, are the hi-fi zealots who think nothing of spending $50,000 on a turntable. I've learned over the years that audiophiles actually come in two varieties: the totally insane and the merely crazy.

The latter have a sense of humor and shrug that theirs is just one of many hobbies -- like wine -- for people with money, expansive vocabularies and the ability to discern differences lost on the rest of us.

By contrast, my interests involve the extent to which beliefs influence perceptions. Scientists have discovered that brain scans of wine drinkers show they physically enjoy a wine more if they think it is expensive. Can audiophiles really hear all the differences they say they can, without being influenced by the brand or price of their equipment?

To find out, Portals became an official exhibitor at T.H.E. Show last week. I set up a room with two sound systems, identical except for one component. Everything except the speakers was hidden behind screens. (A shout-out to Totem Acoustics for the Forest speakers loan and to Magnum Dynalab for the MD-308 amps. They all sounded sensational.)

With the same music playing on both, participants used a remote control to switch between the two, and then tell me which sounded better.

One of the tests compared a high-quality MP3 file from an iPod with a CD on a $3,000 player. Three-quarters of the 24 people taking this test preferred the CD.

That was no surprise. However, when I played .wav files on the iPod -- these are digital but uncompressed files; I was connecting the headphone jack to the amplifier -- 52% of the 21 who took this test preferred the iPod.

That made me smile, not because snooty audiophiles got the "wrong" answer, but because it suggests great sound can come from popular, cheap gear.

I also tested speaker cables, which are controversial even among audiophiles. Some spend tens of thousands of dollars on cabling, while others consider it an absurd waste of money.

Using two identical CD players, I tested a $2,000, eight-foot pair of Sigma Retro Gold cables from Monster Cable, which are as thick as your thumb, against 14-gauge, hardware-store speaker cable. Many audiophiles say they are equally good. I couldn't hear a difference and was a wee bit suspicious that anyone else could. But of the 39 people who took this test, 61% said they preferred the expensive cable.

That may not be much of a margin for two products with such drastically different prices, but I was struck by how the best-informed people at the show -- like John Atkinson and Michael Fremer of Stereophile Magazine -- easily picked the expensive cable.

Its sound was described as "richer," "crisper" and "more coherent." Like some wines, come to think of it.

In absolute terms, though, the differences weren't great. Mr. Atkinson guesstimated the expensive cables sounded roughly 5% better. Remember, by definition, an audiophile is one who will bear any burden, pay any price, to get even a tiny improvement in sound.

Attendance at the show was disappointing, so I didn't get the numbers of participants I wanted. Even if I had, I'm not sure I would have settled anything. These "A-B" tests have limits, including the fact that differences you might not pick up right away can become more apparent with extended listening.

Skeptics out there might think I've gone all mushy and credulous on them.

Not so.

Consider the thriving audiophile product category of power-line conditioners, said to remove noise and distortions caused by your electrical supply, a problem you may not realize you have. A rep from Audience LLC accepted my invitation for an A-B test of the company's $2,800 AdeptResponse aR6 conditioner.

He picked the system using his conditioner -- the other was plugged into the wall -- two out of three times.

Note that the aforementioned "merely crazy" audiophiles say that while they might have home setups costing six figures, the rest of us can get splendid sound for under $1,000 by shopping at specialty audio shops, the sort that sell unfamiliar brands.

I can't help you with brands, but my tests suggest you might want to do your ripping as .wav files. While they take up a lot more room than MP3s, falling disk prices make this feasible even for big collections.

As for cables, good ones can cost well under $2,000. I'd still be happy at the hardware store, but you may be the golden-ear sort who can hear a difference. As in "Dirty Harry," you've got to ask yourself, "Do I feel lucky?"

Well, do you?

Write to Lee Gomes at lee.gomes@wsj.com

Printed in The Wall Street Journal, page B1
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发表于 2010-8-11 09:37:05 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-11 11:01:32 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 huayong 于 2010-8-11 09:37 发表
  我利用两个完全相同的CD播放器测试了价值2,000美元的8英尺魔声(Monster Cable)旗舰音响线,它足有拇指般粗细,与之相对的是14号五金店音响线。许多发烧友表示两者同样出色。我听不出两者有什么区别,也有点儿怀疑 ...

By contrast, my interests involve the extent to which beliefs influence perceptions. Scientists have discovered that brain scans of wine drinkers show they physically enjoy a wine more if they think it is expensive. Can audiophiles really hear all the differences they say they can, without being influenced by the brand or price of their equipment?

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发表于 2010-8-12 13:49:31 | 显示全部楼层
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